2022 Awards Eligibility
(and How-To Recommend)

Please remember that for Horror Writers Association nominations, the preliminary long-list ballot is chosen in part based on the total number of recommendations a piece gets, so even if a piece is already on the Stoker Recommended Reading List you need to recommend your favorite works again.

How to recommend works for the Stoker Award: For HWA members, log into the HWA website’s (http://horror.org)“Members Only” section, which is located on the far right of the top menu bar. After you log in, click on either the “Welcome, HWA Member!” or “Bram Stoker Awards” menu buttons on the Members page, then look on the right side for the red button “RECOMMEND A WORK.”

If you’re a member of one of the professional writers’ associations (e.g., the HWA), feel free to contact me for copies of these works.


It’s been a slow year in terms of publishing, but I have one “Long Fiction” and three “Short Fiction” works published in 2022 for consideration.

First up, for “Long Fiction” the novella I co-wrote with Rebecca J. Allred, AND IN HER SMILE, THE WORLD, was published by Trepidatio Publishing in February 2022. This cosmic/cult horror story about a secret history of creation and the power to unmake the universe got a great review Booklist. Give it a look here.

For “Short Fiction,” here’s the free stuff first:

  • “Devil Take Me” - give a free read or listen to this story about lies, confessions, personal mythology, and a terrifying jam jar over at Nightmare Magazine (November 2022).

And here’s the stuff in paywalled anthologies, but I’m happy to send nominating members of writers’ associations copies of my own stories:

  • “A Freshening Wind” - when the profligate scion of old Southern money returns to the family home, he and his fiancee find it harder than expected to clear the air of the stench of the past in Dancing in the Shadows: A Tribute to Anne Rice (May 2022).

  • “One of the Good Ones; or, It’s a Gas!” - A cop walks into a bar … and into a moral conundrum as his fellow officers explore unorthodox munitions to deploy against protestors in Antifa Splatterpunk (January 2022).