Written between November 1 and November 7, 2024, please enjoy these hastily assembled and long-winded essays on “craft,” writing, and whatever else came to mind. Free PDF and e-pub downloads below.
The essays include:
The Pleasures of Constraint: Self-imposed Limitations as a Creative Tool
You Are Doing It Wrong: Some Opinionated and Judgmental Thoughts About Second Person
Who is Telling Whom What and Why? The Narrator as a Character
In Praise of Jagged Edges and Loose Ends: A Necessarily Incomplete Argument for “Productive Ambiguity”
Implications, Glimpses, and Gongs: One Approach to Writing Flash Fiction
Writing in Tough Times: Some Whys, Some Whats, and Some Ways
Authority, Confidence, Control … Maybe A Potentially Hubristic Inquiry into “Voice”